To pay with PayNow, please scan the QR code or enter UEN number: 201203897G
How To Pay with PayNow: If you are using DBS/POSB mobile app, go to “Scan & Pay” to scan the QR code, login, then fill in the amount to pay. Please remember to fill in under UEN/Bill Reference No. the NAME of your child, class code (see below) and commencement date.
Class Code:
Brain Mastery Pre-School [Code: BMP]
Brain Mastery Basic [Code: BMB]
Brain Mastery Intermediate [Code: BMI]
Brain Mastery Basic/Intermediate/Advance Online (via Zoom) [Code: Online-B or Online-I or Online-A]
Brain Mastery Basic/Intermediate/Advance 1-on-1 for Primary and Secondary School [Code: BM1-B or BM1-I or BM1-A]
Clementine Wong, BMB Term1

Alternate Payment Methods:
Cheque (Made payable to BRAINXPANSION PTE LTD)
Bank Transfer to OCBC, Account No.: 641-382-833-001