Early Brain Development Matters.
Anything That Changes Your Brain, Changes Who You Will Be.

BrainXpansion is proud to present an intensive yet fun-filled 3 x half-day holiday programme for young children from 4 – 6 years old, as well as older children from 7 – 9 years old during the school holidays.
Children learn best through playing, doing, thinking and reflecting and this is exactly what they will experience during our Brain Mastery BrainXpansion Camp. Unlike the usual play-and-do brain development holiday camps, an important element that makes our camp truly unique is the thinking and reflecting process, which would empower young children to go through an accelerated experiential learning journey. This is where breakthrough begins and achievements start building up. We believe anything that changes your brain, changes who you will be.
Why is Accelerated Experiential Learning
Good for Children …
Experiential learning is the process of learning through experiences, and is more specifically defined as “learning through reflection on doing”. Accelerated learning is a method of instruction that provides an atmosphere where students are able to absorb and retain concepts by overcoming traditional barriers of learning, thus accelerating their ability to internalise what they are learning.

What Would Your Child Learn in Brain Mastery BrainXpansion Camp?
We have activities, exercises and games for young children to play, do, think and reflect such that, within 3 sessions, they will discover their potential and new strengths in:
- Thought Sequencing & Self-Expression
- Complex Problem Solving
- Focus
- Effective Communication
Why Do We Pick Self-Expression, Problem Solving, Focus, And Effective Communication As The Key Takeaways?
FACT #1: Children can understand tasks given. That’s Good!
YET there’s a problem – They struggle to think creatively and logically!
Our Solution is in Day 1:
On Day 1 – Brain Mastery for Self-Expression, we will teach the children to be a clear thinker and effective communicator using our 5-Step Thinking Process at a deeper level. The objective is to get them to never again be at a loss when faced with a difficult situation or question! Most children are still grappling with thinking and communication at a young age.
Have you noticed that they find it tough to sequence their thoughts and arrange them in a logical order? Have you ever noticed when your child fumble for words to describe events?
How often have you seen your child seemingly at a loss for words to how he sees, thinks and feels about certain things?
Is it also true that he would stare blankly or look away when he doesn’t know what to do? Or he simply gets frustrated and says “I don’t know” or “It’s too difficult”?
Not knowing what and how to think, express, articulate and communicate effectively, regrettably and unfortunately, will make a child struggle in school and life. And if it is not corrected, he is likely to struggle through to his adulthood.
A great leader is a clear thinker and an effective communicator. In school and in life, this is an important skill to develop.
Coupled with our “Find The Link’, “Break It Down” and “Devil’s Advocate” thinking methodology, the children will be even better equipped to maximize our 5-Step Thinking Process. “Find The Link’, “Break It Down” and “Devil’s Advocate” are advanced thinking process tools that show children how to systematically dissect a situation/problem into bite-size nuggets so that it is easier to understand, analyze and make an informed decision about what to do with the situation/problem.

The children will learn to express their opinions, thoughts, and feelings in a clear, concise and logical manner, yet remain creative and interesting.
FACT #2: Children can somewhat answer correctly. That’s Good!
YET there’s a problem – struggle to explain sequentially & find the right words to be concise!
Our Solution is in Day 2:
On Day 2 – Brain Mastery for Effective Communication. Getting the right answer is good, yet, children need to develop the ability to know, understand, analyse and explain the reasons and logic sequentially, correctly and fully. Once they get this, it becomes easier for children to apply it into different situations..

Very often, young children’s thought flows are jumbled up and they find it tough to apply what they have learned. The objective is to get them to communicate beyond the standard “Yes” and “No” or simply “I don’t know” or “I don’t want”.
Our objective is to get them to think and communicate sequentially, systematically, logically in the correct flow, and apply it into different tasks they will encounter. A great leader is a clear thinker and an effective communicator. Effective communication is when the person whom you are talking to listens actively, absorbs your points and understands them.
FACT #3: Children can be more intelligent. That’s Good!
YET there’s a problem – They can be limited unconsciously by weak brain power as they are unwilling to do what’s hard.
Our Solution is in Day 3:
On Day 3 – Brain Mastery Intensive will stretch the children a little further to strengthen their brain and resolve. Nothing is too difficult when they experience fun in the process. We will impress upon the children that “I don’t know” comes about simply because they have not fully learned it yet. They will learn that actually, knowing comes from consistent learning and practising. With this, they will grow from “I don’t know” to a newer confident “I will learn”. They will be learning though playing and doing either individually, in pairs or in small groups.
They will maximize what they learned in Day 1 on how to break down a complex situation to bite-size nugget and solve a problem from a different aspect. They will also leverage on what they learned on Day 2 to get through their given tasks.
This is the day that we will get them to think, and this is the day that they realize thinking is not that difficult.
This is the day that they will put their mind and hands together to do difficult things, and this is the day they realize that difficult things are worth doing.
They will be breaking their own frontiers, and emerge with new found confidence, with lots of playing, doing, thinking and reflecting.

What Are The Basis of Our Brain Mastery BrainXpansion Camp?
Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist known for his work on child development, said “The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.”
The World Economic Forum reports that these are the ten skills needed in 2020 and beyond to thrive, and BrainXpansion is proud to announce that our programs fulfills 7 of the listed criteria:

BrainXpansion’s Brain Mastery weekly lessons, as well as our Brain Mastery BrainXpansion Camp, fulfills 7 out of the 10 top skills. Success comes from the mastery of a core set of skills that can be applied to any position, field, school or company. When you practice and strengthen these skills in your school, work and life, you’ll rise to the top with ease.
To ensure your child is maximising his entire brain asset optimally, our holiday programme is conducted based on our four pedagogy pillars:
The Four Foundations of Brain Mastery Programme
Brain Mastery Perspectives
Problem solving and creative thinking are skills which are important in today’s education. Our series of activities, games and exercises will train their brain to see, hear, and understand things from different angles to broaden the student’s perspective. This training helps the students to realise that there is more than one way of looking at a particular situation. When stuck, they will learn to change their perspective and gain new insights and thus creating new possibilities. This, in turn, increases the child’s ability to solve a challenge or problem easier and faster.
Brain Mastery Science
To be focused is to be productive. Increasingly, children are bombarded with more information and more activities with the advent of technologies. At this age, as the child is naturally curious, it is very easy for the child to have fleeting attention. Failing to focus will lead to students being distracted, which then prevents them from learning. Using various techniques, this module seeks to develop the students’ ability to focus on specific topics and to further enhance this to help students improve their ability to concentrate for a longer time.
Brain Mastery Motion
This is a fun set of activities which most students love. The students can perform these exercises on their own at any time and anywhere they choose. These activities work by stimulating both sides of the brain. Students will gain better coordination, improved motor skills, and exercise their brain simultaneously! They do make very good morning “wake up” calls for the brain. We have seen how an improved brain and body coordination results in children performing more efficiently and effectively in their academic work, sports and social contacts with families and peers.
Brain Mastery Citadel
Children will learn 2-3 simple techniques that will help them remember items easily. Once mastered, Eran Katz’s proven techniques will help students to easily absorb, retain and recall facts, figures, concepts and languages easier and faster. Our training, therefore, reduces learning struggles and stress, making school and homework much more enjoyable.
Testimony of Happy Parents
“Do u know Jake was so happy that he keep asking if we are going to send him to Teacher Vivienne and Teacher Ying’s Holiday Camp again? So I am definitely to send him in the next camp.” Mrs Eileen Foo

“Lizzie enjoys the class v much and wants to go for this class every day! Thanks for encouraging her along, and being very patient with her. She thrives and keeps an open mind when she feels that she is not being judged”. Madam Fiona Ngiam
We aim for results that can be measured and transformation that will last YOUR CHILD for a lifetime.
Programme Schedule
Year End School Holidays:
BrainXpansion Brain Mastery Camp
Camp: For 4 to 9 years old
3-Day Camp Dates: To Be Confirmed
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Note: There are break-out sessions for the 4 -6 years old group and 7 – 9 years old group to ensure maximum learning
Early Bird Price (Book before 17 Nov): $397 for each camp
Usual Price: $597 for each camp
For more information on our holiday programmes or regular weekly programmes, please use the Contact Us form, email us at seminar@brainxpansion.com or call 9683-7067.
Anything That Changes Your Brain, Changes Who You Will Be.
A Powerful Brain. A Powerful Life.